Making Your Chores Mentally Stimulating and Fun

Organize & DIY

Every day, you probably find yourself performing some tiresome task or chore. The question that should always be present in your mind is how can I make this task more mentally stimulating and fun?

We’ve all been busy lately with lots of chores around the house. But we’re not just going through the motions of doing these tasks—we’re making them fun. Check out how you can use your brain while mopping the floor or folding laundry.

Meal Prep

A few days before you want to eat, plan what meals you’ll have, make a list of what you need to buy, and then go shopping. This will give you enough time to cook everything properly and prepare the food for freezing or refrigerating.

Remember that some things will take longer than others. For example, a chicken breast will take much less time than an entire leg of lamb. Also, if more than one person is going to be eating those meals with you, ensure there’s enough food for everyone.


Exercise can help you sleep better. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, chemicals that reduce stress and boost mood. When you’re feeling good, your body attempts to maintain that feeling by releasing the same amount of endorphins each day—which is why it isn’t easy to get out of bed after a great workout.

Exercise helps with focus. When we exercise, our brains release neurotransmitters called dopamine and norepinephrine (also known as adrenaline). This causes us to feel more focused and alert throughout the day. Exercise combats depression.

Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is often the most mundane of tasks, but it doesn’t have to be. Make a list and stick to it. If you’re like most people, you probably have some items that show up on your grocery list every week. But why not try to add something new?

If you’re trying a new recipe for dinner, including some ingredients from that recipe in your list so that everything can be prepped at once. Or if there’s a particularly good deal on a product on your wish list (like those fancy cheese curds), add them to the basket too.

Look at labels: The more we know about what we’re eating and how food is produced, the better decisions we can make about our diets and lifestyles. So take some time while shopping to look at labels on packaged foods—they’ll give you information about the ingredients and calorie content per serving size.


Making cleaning fun and exciting can be easier than you think. Here are some ways to make cleaning more mentally stimulating:

  • Turn up the music and sing along as you clean.
  • Play with your pet while you’re dusting or vacuuming.
  • Put on a play that’s only about ten minutes long, and when you’re done, perform it for your family or friends.

Commuting, Running Errands, and Traveling

Commuting is a great time to listen to podcasts. You can learn while you commute. It might be more challenging than sitting at home, but it’s possible if you have a commute that’s long enough.

If your commute is short enough to listen to an entire podcast episode, try listening while driving between two stops (say, on the way home from work and before going into the house).

Try reading a book instead of listening to music or podcasts when running errands in your car. It’ll help pass the time without being too distracting and keep your mind sharp.

While traveling by plane or train (or even bus), try playing games on your phone or tablet instead of watching TV or movies. This can add some fun variety and an intellectual challenge that may improve concentration skills over time.

Be Psyched About Chores

Now that you’ve learned how to make everyday chores more mentally stimulating, it’s time to put your new skills into practice. We hope these tips have helped you develop creative ways to turn boring household chores into fun challenges.

You don’t need to dedicate all your spare time or money to expensive gadgets or apps—you need a little creativity and thoughtfulness. By transforming something as mundane as cleaning or cooking into a mental exercise, you can make the process enjoyable for yourself and those around you without spending too much time or money on gimmicks like gaming systems

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