Options For Financing For Energy-Efficiency Upgrades

If you are considering upgrading your home to make it more energy efficient, you may already know it's a cost-effective way to save money and help the environment. But how can you pay for it? Here are a few options. Did you know financing is often available for...

Exploring The Possibilities Of Living Affordably In An RV

When people consider affordable living, one option that is growing in popularity is living in a recreational vehicle (RV) or mobile home. We review the factors to consider if this is an affordable housing option for you. When people think of cheap living, they usually...

Amazon Is Selling A DIY Log Cabin Tiny House With A Huge Loft

The Allwood Avalon Cabin Kit is a DIY log cabin tiny house that you can buy straight from Amazon and set up in under a week. Tiny homes have gained much popularity in the last few years, and you might be wondering why that is the case. For one, tiny homes are...

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